Professional authentic kerala ayurvedic treatment centre in Coimbatore

Experience Authentic Kerala Ayurvedic

Aparajita Ayurveda is handled by a group of committed, dedicated professionals in the field of Ayurvedic. Situated in Coimbatore city supported by the nature’s tranquil ambience, equipped with traditional and sophisticated modern facilities, utilizing & dispensing the most renowned, top three Kerala-based pharmacy medicines, maintaining experienced therapists, the hospital, under professional supervision is extending its services towards all general and physical ailments, chronic diseases, medically challenged disorders.

Our main motto is promote traditional and ayurveda in all the aspects of our treatments and therapies. Our hospital is well-equipped with all essential infrastructural facilities and comfortable separate rooms for men and women. The division focuses on providing therapeutic treatment to the patients and restoring the body’s natural healing mechanism. 

Panchakarma is a set of five therapies – including Vamana, Virechana Virechana, Basti, Nasya and Raktamokshana. The therapies included in Panchkarma helps in achieving a balance between the three vitals- body, mind and consciousness. The In addition, this treatment is immensely successful in also used for treating skin problems, diabetes, asthma, chronic sinus, epilepsy, lung infections, heart disease, and digestive disorders.

The Panchkarma team works in close coordination with the patients to identify the root cause of their condition and cure them accordingly. Besides, the highly experienced doctors also ensure the patients receive the best treatment by adapting the updated medicinal practices and invention in Panchkarma.

Quality, availability within the affordable reach of the patient, continuous R&D efforts are just few factors which contribute to success.


Aparajita is otherwise called as asian pigeon wings, scientific name is clitoria ternatea, commonly known as Aran pigeon wings, blue bellone, blue pea, butterfly pea, cordogan pea and Darwin pea is a plant species belonging to the family fabaccae. In indra, it is referred as holy flower and used in daily pooja rituals.

Aparajita flower contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. This plant is rich in sodium, it has many vitamins and anti oxidants which provide many beneficial effects to our body.

Aparajita plant is very commonly used in panchakarma treatment of Ayurveda. These treatments are very effective for balancing doshas in the body and bringing about internal as well as external detoxification. Because of its impact on the nervous system, it is used to treatment vata related disorders in the body.
