Rasayana Chikitsa or Rejuvenation therapy is a holistic ayurvedic health. It revitalizes the human body, equipping it to regain and maintain health. Panchakarma is the modern form of Rejuvenation Therapy composed of a unique set of therapeutic methods that cleanse and heal the body physically, mentally and spiritually.
- Ayurvedic treatment
- Yoga and Diet
- Ayurvedic Diet
- Daily examination
- Doctor consultation
Particularly useful for
- Powerlessness
- Exhaustion
- Muscular tension
Rejuvenation is perfect choice for all those who want to enjoy an Ayurveda treatment for first time and are not seriously ill.
Yoga and Diet Plan
Ayurveda integrates the benefits of Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation to provide deep relaxation to the mind and body, maintain emotional balance and to address the root causes of stress and anxiety. Yoga asanas like Shavasana, Paschimottanasana, Dhanurasana. Setubandhasana etc. are recommended to release tension. Lying down in Yoga Nidra is considered to give the mind and body deep relaxation. Pranayama and breathing exercises like Kapal Bhati Pranayama, Bhastrika Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama and Nadi Shodhana will help release stress and de-clutter the mind. Meditation will help attain a stress-free mind, promotes mental and emotional balance and encourages positive thinking.
Panchakarma (Five Fold Detoxification Therapy) is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment. It is the ultimate healing experience for detoxifying the mind and the body. It helps in strengthening the immune system, restoring balance and wellbeing. Panchakarma therapy by cleansing the toxins from the body helps you to a re-achieve balance of the three doshas (the three energies that govern all biological functions) and longevity. It is also beneficial in regaining health and wellness.
The scope of Panchakarma treatments are well known for its preventive, curative and rejuvenation action. Ayurveda classics have mentioned multidimensional actions like, it removes toxins out of the body, helps in treating the disease conditions, improves metabolism, nourishes the body and if taken regularly in a proper way it helps to increase the lifespan of an individual.
- Examining and understanding an individual’s body constitution & the condition
- Counselling
- Correction of the digestive fire
- Planning the diet and lifestyle supportive for the treatment.
Panchakarma the Main phase
- It is an important phase & it has to be done under the supervision of physician only.
- As planned earlier, in this phase medicine to induce vomiting or purgation will be administered.
- Also medicated enema will be administered depending on the condition.
- Specific Pre-panchakarma procedures will be planned to make this phase more beneficial.
- These Panchakarma treatments are not merely a digestive tract cleansing therapies. It helps to remove the toxins from cellular level.
Post Panchakarma Phase
- In this phase patient will be observed for the symptoms related to the completion of detoxification.
- Based on the level & intensity of detoxification suitable diet will be advised.
- Diet starts with liquids like rice gruel and gradually it will be changed to semi-solid and then to normal diet.
- This phase is as important as main phase.
- In order to plan the Panchakarma treatments Physician may require some of the blood investigations based on which specific panchakarma and diet will be planned.
Benefits of Panchakarma
- Eliminate toxins and toxic conditions from your body and mind
- Restore your constitutional balance improving health and wellness
- Strengthen your immune system and become more resistant to illness
- Reverse the negative effects of stress on your body and mind
- Slow the ageing process
- Enhance your self-reliance, strength, energy, vitality and mental clarity
- Bring about deep relaxation and a sense of well-being
- Reduce dependence on drugs and medicine
- Implement positive lifestyle changes